
  • The scramble is Saturday, May 17, 2025. The first tee time is 8 AM central.

  • Individual team tee times will be posted.

  • Cash only, expected amount is TBD and similar to last year.

  • Four man scramble. In the event of uneven player total, three and five player teams may be made.

  • Bogey MAX per hole.

  • $1 longest drive: Hole 13

  • $1 closest-to-the-pin: Holes 5, 8, 12 and 15

  • 1st place team signs the plaque.

  • Ties split payouts.

Uneven Teams

  • 3 player teams

    • Alternating/rotating players one extra stroke so that there are four attempts at each ball.

  • 5 player teams

    • Each player one stroke per ball (for a total of five attempts) with exception of any ball on the green.

    • Only four attempts at each ball on the green. No rotation of players necessary.