The scramble is Saturday, May 17, 2025. The first tee time is 8 AM central.
Individual team tee times will be posted.
Cash only, expected amount is TBD and similar to last year.
Four man scramble. In the event of uneven player total, three and five player teams may be made.
Bogey MAX per hole.
$1 longest drive: Hole 13
$1 closest-to-the-pin: Holes 5, 8, 12 and 15
1st place team signs the plaque.
Ties split payouts.
Uneven Teams
3 player teams
Alternating/rotating players one extra stroke so that there are four attempts at each ball.
5 player teams
Each player one stroke per ball (for a total of five attempts) with exception of any ball on the green.
Only four attempts at each ball on the green. No rotation of players necessary.